MeteorJS is an opinionated and evolving framework for building web applications. Meteor is an ambitious and opinionated framework that spans both the server and the client with a unique focus on enabling real-time applications where individuals browser is reactive to changes. That is, if I am a user and I am viewing some data stored in the database which is updated, I should see the updates to that data immediately, without having to reload the page.

Meteor is still evolving and is rumored to be hitting 1.0 sometime (though the development seems to have a very long tail). As I know several individuals considering using Meteor for real project today, I will be critiquing it as it stands at version 0.8.2.

I have had the opportunity to work on several small and one large meteor project over the course of the past year or so.

The Good

Meteor is truly exciting due to the ease with which it makes performing many traditionally difficult tasks in web development. Just by watching the meteor introductory screencast or reading its marketing documentation, one cannot help but get excited about being able to seamlessly react to changes to collections.

Meteor also has a few other strengths:

  1. Javascript on both the server and the client and the ability to share some code between the two.
  2. If you neeed live page updates, meteor has a very compelling model and performance has improved significantly with blaze.
  3. Deployment to official infrastructure is very easy.
  4. Package management with meteorite works pretty well and there is a growing ecosystem of packages around the meteor atmosphere

The Not Good

At the end of the day, most of my complaints with most technology is that they do not help prograemmers solve the truly difficult problem of managing complexity. Once the honeymoon is over and the demos are done, a proper solution must help me efficiently solve problems in a way that I and others can maintain.

To that end, here are some of my concrete problems with meteor.


Javascript is apparently the new hotness. Truth be told, I don’t like javascript. The lack of a real module system amongst other things make it really difficult to reason about your system, the scope of variables, etc. Throw in the fact that there is a sometimes blurry distinction between server and client? Well, it sucks.

Languages like coffeescript hide some of the dark corners of the language, encourage use of the good parts, and add syntactic sugar. They do not, however, really change the fact that you are writing and interacting with javascript. At the end of the day, this is what you are debugging… Speaking of which…


Simply put, debugging (with an actual debugger or REPL) on the server side is damn near impossible. Debugging on the client works well enough using Chrome’s developer tools. Things get hairy again on the client when something goes wrong with your templates.

And with meteor, I have found myself in a position where debugging on both the server and the client is something I spend far too much of my time doing.


The only supported data store right now is MongoDB. Although non-relational databases have advantages in some cases, I believe that they generally push additional complexity onto the programmer (i.e. maintaing ACID.

Data is naturally relational and I believe that non-relational databases often force you to denormalize your data much earlier than is beneficial or necessary. Having the database enforce constraints like “this id is a foreign key to another relation” are no longer available… You just need to not screw up. The data that is in any given collection is essentially ad-hoc.

And with meteor, you just need to suck it up and use what is likely not the right technology for your project.

Implicit Behavior

Meteor is an opinionated framework. I have never been a big fan of frameworks (especially large, opinionated ones) as they push a bunch of behavior that happens implicitly on you as a programmer. The general name for this is convention over configuration.

I don’t want to bash convention-over-configuration entirely as there are times which it makes great sense, but with meteor I found myself fighting the conventions. Gotchas for me where I did not have the control I felt I needed to manage my applications are documented here.

Philosophically, I tend to believe there is great wisdom in the Zen of Python which states:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Right in the second line we see that “Explicit is better than implicit”

File Import and Load Order

Javascript did not get the memo about namespaces being “one honking great idea” and as such, there is really no such thing built into the language. Since there are no namespaces, there are no imports.

So, what does meteor do? Well, this is what it does. It basically scours your entire project directory in alphabetical order for any files ending in .js and essentially smashes them together. Needless to say, this can lead to quite some pain.

Looking back on it, some sanity could have been restored by trying to figure out the logical meteor packages for the application, but this is easier said then done and is once again pushing the problem onto the programmer. More than once, I had to change the name of files just to make something function correctly. I find that ludicrous.

Under the Covers

Meteor hides, or tries to hide, a lot of the complexity required for it to provide its reactive programming model. The problem is that in order to write applications with meteor, understanding how things work under the covers quickly becomes something that you do in fact need to know, especially related to the local database mirror, minimongo.

A few cases I ran into where my initial understanding of what was going on failed me were the following:

  • With minimongo, updating a collection always happens immediately on the client with the change then being propogated to the server via websockets. Problem is, that things get really complicated and you run into cases where a change will at first appear to be successful but then fail on the server (where you may be doing extra validation). Dealing with this state correctly can be very difficult. Do I make things look successful to the user only to take it back later? That seems cruel.
  • Things don’t always act the same on the client and the server. In many cases (for instance, when using CollectionFS) it turned out that using meteor APIs and libraries on the server is not well supported. Although this isn’t the primary use case, meteor’s focus on making it possible to do more from the client in a transparent fashion has led to things not always working as expected on the server.


By default, meteor is not secure as well documented in the meteor docs. The defaults make for great demos by hiding the real complexity of carefully thinking about what data I should actually be sending to the client and where I need to perform validation on the server side.

These are non-trivial tasks which are very hard to not think about in a traditional web application. In meteor, however, it is equally important to consider carefully but (in my experience) much easier to miss and more difficult to reason about.

Paul Osborne

Tackling the complexity at the heart of software and systems

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